Saturday, January 31, 2009

Get rid of depression - Buy lexapro

DEPRESSION — affective frustration.

Most depression common symptoms is the following: at the person taste to a life, ability to feel pleasure vanishes; there are suicide thoughts, there is a feeling of grief and despair, impossibility to operate. Changes in meal and dream habits (either too much or, on the contrary, too little) are observed. The person feels angry, lonely, tired, insignificant, to nobody necessary, at any moment can burst into tears for no reason at all. The uncooperative altitude to relatives is very sharply shown, thoughts turn round themes of vital failures and disappointments.

This pill is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) type of antidepressant. It works by increasing the activity of a chemical in the brain called serotonin, which helps to elevate mood.

The main subjective sign of depression is the lowered mood: the world seems grey and empty, and own life unfortunate. What reasons of depression? Any stressful situations: loss of the loved one, dismissal from work, quarrels and conflicts, natural cataclysms, etc. One researchers assert that depression has a genetic origin (a source — in organic human nature), others pay attention to social sources (early experience of the individual, certain actions and thoughts) and even its historical and cultural roots. The most widespread point of view: depression — emotional дистресс which all factors resulted above influence.

Medical and actually-psychological definitions of depression essentially differ from each other, ways of its overcoming differ also. It is considered to be that 10-15 % of cases of depression demand medicamentous treatment, for the others the psychotherapy as the basic method of correction is shown. The above the share of organic (genetic) bases of depression, the is more probability of application of medicines, for example at correction so-called."

Recurrent depression "(tending to repetition). And, if the person by means of psychotherapists or independently overcomes depression, it gives the chance to it to make the same (and even more effectively) in the future.