Friday, February 20, 2009

Risperdal consta

DRUG CLASS AND mechanisms: Risperdal drug therapy, antipsychotic in the brain communication between the nerve by interference works. Nerve releases chemical called generation and neurotransmitters to communicate with one another. neurotransmitters, change the cell near, and then attach a other nerve to receptor neurotransmitter attachment has been receptor. Nerve, such as this block communications risperidone dopamine type 2, serotonin type 2, alpha 2 adrenaline receptor and nerve blocks several receptor. Risperidone is a relatively new antipsychotic drugs probably that less than the old medications many side effects.
Prescription: Yes
Generic AVAILABLE: Yes

Preparation: lock). 25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, And 4 mg.

STORAGE: lock room temperature, 30 ° (59-x86 ° F) 15-in must be retained.Place: Risperdal is used for treatment of psychotic disorders, for example, schizophrenia. Bipolar to because mixed associated episode for lithium or treatment of acute valproate with manic used alternatively.

DOSING: Risperdal usually as a small dose of start two each day. Dose in many cases increase days for each or every week, optimal dose until it finds. Elderly person or kidney disease slow patient, kidney, risperidone, risperidone be partially responsible for removing from the blood, so may to toxic levels, this blood risperidone removing there low doses. Similarly, liver disease patient also liver is partially responsible for removing risperidone to be, must be low doses.

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